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How the OIV defines vitivinicultural “Terroir”

In the resolution OIV/VITI 333/2010 of june 25, the OIV, the International Organisation of Vine an Wine, gives her definition of vitivinicultural “terroir”. Please read here the whole text of the resolution.


Considering the work of Commission I “Viticulture” and the “Viticulture Environment and Climate Change” expert group, after taking note of presentations given at the International Symposium on Terroir and Landscape organised in Bordeaux and Montpellier in 2006 under the patronage of the OIV,

CONSIDERING a definition of vitivinicultural “terroir” would assist in applying Resolution VITI/04/2006 and enhance communication within the vitivinicultural sector,

CONSIDERING the economic and cultural consequences of vitiviniculture zoning and the use of the concept of “terroir”;

CONSIDERING that this definition is to be used for descriptive purposes by the vitivinicultural sector,

CONSIDERING that once a “terroir” is described, it can contribute to the recognition for the vitivinicultural products originating from that “terroir”,

CONSIDERING the need to prevent confusion between the descriptive definition of “terroir” and the legal definition of a Geographical Indication,

DECIDES to adopt the following definition of Vitivinicultural “terroir”:

Vitivinicultural “terroir” is a concept which refers to an area in which collective knowledge of the interactions between the identifiable physical and biological environment and applied vitivinicultural practices develops, providing distinctive characteristics for the products originating from this area.

“Terroir” includes specific soil, topography, climate, landscape characteristics and biodiversity features.

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