Paroles de vignerons - Vinparleur - Winzer talk

Millésime Bio in Montpellier-France

Between January 25th and January 27th the 17th edition of « Millésime Bio » took place in the Exposition Park of Montpellier/France. This wine fare is organised by the AIVB-LR and entirely dedicated to organic wines.

More than 400 winegrowers presented their products to some 2700 wine-professionals from 26 countries. Although most of the exhibitors came from different regions in France, a quarter had come from foreign countries such as Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Germany and even from California/USA, South Africa and Australia.

The wine competition “Challenge Millésime Bio”, open to organic wines from all countries, was held for the second time this year during the fair. Close to 500 wines were presented, which is a huge success for this rather young wine competition. The medalled wines could be tasted in the “Oenotheque” close to the exhibition hall, which was a real opportunity to discover some great organic wines.

The quality of the wines really attracted my attention during the days I spend on the fair. I’ve tasted quit a number of good and very good wines, with different styles and different prices. Another proof for organic wines being of more and more interest, regarding their taste AND their price. You really can say, that beside a significant increase of quality, organic wines in France have become more affordable to a larger amount of people within the last years.

Wines not only to be bought because they are organic, but just because they are tasty…

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