Paroles de vignerons - Vinparleur - Winzer talk

LTHM: Lamb, Thyme, Honey, Malbec! #food and #wine #recipe

Rezept Lamm mit Honig Thymian Sosse

Lamb fillet with honey - thyme sauce

150 g lamb fillet per person
1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon soft or liquid honey
3 g of fresh thyme leaves
100 g of red wine
250 g of meat stock
100 ml cream or crème fraîche

Gently fry the fillets in butter on both sides for about 3 minutes, remove from the pan and let rest in a warm oven.
In a saucepan, melt the butter, add the honey and slightly caramelize at high temperature. Deglaze with the wine and let reduce by half. Then add the meat stock and the thyme and boil down to about 1/3 until the sauce is syrupy. Add the cream and let softly boil for another minute or two. Season with salt and pepper.

To serve cut into the fillets thin slices and nap with some of the sauce. This will taste lovely with a gratin dauphinois, green beans and a punchy French Malbec wine from Cahors.

The sauce also perfectly matches with a roast lamb leg!

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