Paroles de vignerons - Vinparleur - Winzer talk

Vintage Story Part 2 - #Champagne J.Vignier

After diligent consideration, we have taken the decision to baptise our vintage champagne and giving it a name like all our other cuvees. Henceforth, this wine that some of you know as being simply labelled “2008”, will proudly bear its history and origin as cuvee “Deux Terres” (Two Terroirs).

Champagne J.Vignier Deux Terres

To make this champagne, two vineyards, two terroirs were chosen in 2008: One in Cramant at the Côte des Blancs, the other in Barbonne-Fayel at the Coteaux du Sézannais. Both vineyards are genetically connected through a mass selection done by our mother Marie-Paule in 1967. She actually selected shoots from the vineyard in Cramant and grafted them to plant the vineyard in Barbonne-Fayel. To date, this is the only champagne where we blend those two origins.

Despite the changing of the name, this wine will always be crafted in exact accordance to the traditions of vintage champagne: A single vintage, without reserve wines, only made in years that come up with grapes of exceptional quality in both the Côte des Blancs and the Coteaux du Sézannais.

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