Paroles de vignerons - Vinparleur - Winzer talk

Z de l’Arjolle - the only Zinfandel of France

Z de l'Arjolle - Zinfandel pure

During my first trip through Californian vineyards in 1989, I was charmed with the fruity and spicy aromas and the pleasant acidity of red Zinfandel.

The Zinfandel grape, that you may call the “King of California”, seems to find its best expression in the region of Calistoga, northern Napa Valley. Some of the most talented wine growers joined in the so-called ZAP (Zinfandel Advocates & Producers), organing an annual Zinfandel Festival, worldwide renown for 20 years.

Back in France, I proposed to the associates of the Arjolle to plant Zinfandel in our vineyards. After a certain time of typical French administrative struggle, we finally planted some 4000 root stocks in the sandy limestone soils of our vineyard called “Campredon” in 1996.

After a couple of years of work, necessary to acclimatise the Zinfandel grapes to the Mediterranean vineyards of the Côtes de Thongue, our effort was awarded by the bottling of our first 100% Zinfandel wine in 2000.

It still is the only French Zinfandel wine, and we are very proud about it.

I love to have this wine on typical “Brasserie” dishes, like Cassoulet (typical bean stew from southern France), knuckle of pork and goulash. But, during summer, slightly chilled, our Zinfandel also is a surprising company to grilled fish, or even chocolate based deserts.


We will have a glass on you !

Sincerely yours,

Louis-Marie Teisserenc

Domaine de l’Arjolle Côtes de Thongue

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